
News and Announcements of Bluebonnet Music Teachers Association, Williamson County Texas, USA

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Minutes of Meeting

Bluebonnet MTA
Facebook page:

Dear Teachers:


The November meeting was held on November 14 at Panera Bread in Cedar Park.  Present were Martha M, Martha V, Valerie, Mary A, Chaok, Lillian, Dianne. 

The treasurer presented the treasurer's report.

Blue ribbons were distributed.

Dianne handed out a festival report.

Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was resolved that:
The 2018-2019 theory test registration fee will be $18.
Out of association theory test fee will remain at $25.
Mary A will be the publications chairman.

It was agreed that:
In the 2017-2018 festivals, students will play as follows.
In the Fall Festival: One classical or modern piece;
and in the Spring Festival: one romantic or baroque piece.
It was agreed that for the 2018-2019 festivals students will play only one piece. 
Elementary students may play two pieces if together they total 5 minutes or less.


The Honors Recital will be from 10:00 to 12:00.

Dianne will prepare instructions for judges.

The judge for the spring festival will be Lesley McAllister. Her bio is at:

The judge for the Hymn Festival will be Buffy Currens. Her bio is at:

Mary A announced that new elementary students may take the theory exam two levels below their school grade level.

Mary A announced that medals will be available to theory students who test below grade level.  Teachers should specify instrumental in their SA registration notes on line.

The publication registration fee is $20.

Mary A announced that students who take the World of Music Test get 30 points. The Student Recognition list of award points is on pages 31 and 32 of the  2017-2018 TMTA Handbook. This Handbook is at in the Members Only section.

There will be a free performance on March 17 at Lakeline Oaks Retirement Community, 1905 S. Lakeline Blvd., 512-267-3281. From 3:30  to 4:30 pm.  Memorization is not required. Students are asked to bring canned food items to donate for the Food Pantry. The chairman is Valerie. Send entries to her, two weeks before the performance. She just needs the student name and the title of the piece and the composer.

Chaok reported that TMTA is not referring Williamson inquiries to Bluebonnet.


The next general meeting will be a Christmas lunch on Tuesday, December 12, at Applebee's in Cedar Park. 
Time: 11:00 A.M.

If you missed the last meeting, we missed you. Check our newsletters at so you know what we discussed. We had a great


On Sunday, November 5, 2017 6:15 PM, Dianne Walker wrote:

Just wanted everyone to know the summary of yesterday's event

At the meeting on Nov 14, I will bring everyone a copy of the final scores. 
In This way we will ALL have a summary
Each teacher should be keeping up with their own studio's points  .

Please let me know IN THE SPRING when you know  you have a student eligible for their
first trophy , or second, or third (each one taller)  
Complete ONE final list in the spring AFTER the Spring Festival - for the trophy order

I am happy to order and pick up any/all trophies

S+ = 4 points, S = 3 points, S- = 2 pts, E+ = 1 pt
When a student reaches '12' points he/she has earned a trophy :-)
the BMTA Association had 7 teachers 7 studios represented with a total of  '51' students participating
  8 students = E+ 
11 students = S-
27 students = S
  5 students = S+

 51 students



Mary A invited you to view the file "Theory Below Level Testing.mp4" on Dropbox.

Mary said:
"Hi Valerie, I have a news from TMTA Theory Team. From now on, student who takes test that are not the same level of school grade will be able to get a medal. They need to have grade 9 and up. Anyway, details is in my dropox and would like to share with the BLB members. Mary "

To view  video in dropbox, Go to:

The Dropbox team

The new guidelines for Theory Below Level Testing can also be found in the members only section at  on pdf page 36 of the TMTA Handbook.

Lillian Simmons

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